Update on the Troy Goode Case
In the Troy Goode case, which is included in the StretCred PKIC database, the District Attorney had stated to the press that the autopsy showed the primary cause of death to be “heart related”. PKIC listed Goode’s primary cause of death as, “Heart Related” and the manner of death was Accidental.
Our methodology says that in lieu of an official autopsy, a reference by a District or City attorney to autopsy results is sufficient. If we must revisit that now (I don’t see the full autopsy so I cannot comment) we will.
A newly released Toxicity report (to which this Wonkette story refers, but which does not seem to be available online) implies that the LSD was the primary Cause of death. However, since Wonkette is only showing us page four of what I infer is four page ME report, it would be very useful to see pages 1–3. I don’t see that the document is stating LSD to be the primary cause of death, and because of the earlier DA comments about heart issues, I suspect there is more here than meets the eye.
Again, if we must revisit that now (I don’t see the full autopsy so I cannot comment) we will. Please feel free to contact us and help us update this case with the full forensic/autopsy/toxicology reports if you can.
What we have seen in PKIC is that when there are autopsies that list primary or secondary cause of death as some kind of drug toxicity it is usually (and I mean nearly always) accompanied by symptoms of the person being described by 911 callers or witnesses as “acting crazy” or “running around in the road”, often naked, often incoherent, and almost always fighting with officers — engaging in fairly intense struggles. SOMETIMES, the person also has underlying health conditions (which are most often heart or breathing issues) that contribute. In any case, since I am not a doctor I look at it as “accidental” when someone takes a whole snootful of drugs, runs amok and tries taking on Officer Jones, who as often as not tries to TASE before death.